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Clean Energy on Display: Decon Welcomes Minister for Exclusive Tour

Clean Energy on Display: Decon Welcomes Minister for Exclusive Tour

This week, Decon Corporation welcomed Victoria's Minister for Energy and Resources, Lily D'Ambrosio, for a special pre-launch tour of their new headquarters. The visit highlighted Decon's commitment to innovation, showcasing...

May 9, 2024 Jesse Falk
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#TeamDecon Doubles Down for Big Group Hug

#TeamDecon Doubles Down for Big Group Hug

We're thrilled to announce Decon Corporation's recent donation to Big Group Hug,a fantastic Victorian children's charity dedicated to supporting families inneed. Their double-donation day this month was the perfect opportunity tomaximise...

Mar 22, 2024 Jesse Falk
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Keeping Connected During Disasters: Decon's Renewable Energy Assets in the Spotlight

Keeping Connected During Disasters: Decon's Renewable Energy Assets in the Spotlight

Australia's recent disaster efforts, including flood events in QLD, have highlighted the critical need for disaster resilience. Last week, the Select Committee on Australia's Disaster Resilience met to discuss strategies...

Mar 7, 2024 Jesse Falk
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Decon Corporation's Smart Power Cell: Transforming Disaster Response and Recovery

Decon Corporation's Smart Power Cell: Transforming Disaster Response and Recovery

We're thrilled to see the Smart Power Cell (SPC) in action, as shared by Kirsty McBain MP. The SPC is a game-changer in disaster resilience, providing power and internet connectivity...

Feb 25, 2024 Jesse Falk
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#TeamDecon in Action: Restoring Power During Wild Weather

#TeamDecon in Action: Restoring Power During Wild Weather

With the unpredictability of future weather events, having a proactive strategy and robust technology like the SPC can make all the difference.

Feb 14, 2024 Jesse Falk
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Exceptional Support during Cyclone Kirrily: A Thank You from Sigma Healthcare

Exceptional Support during Cyclone Kirrily: A Thank You from Sigma Healthcare

We are incredibly proud to share this heartfelt testimonial from our client, Sigma Healthcare. In times of crisis, such as Cyclone Kirrily, our team in Townsville stepped up to the...

Feb 9, 2024 Jesse Falk
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Decon Corporation is Connecting Communities with High-Speed nbn Fixed Wireless

Decon Corporation is Connecting Communities with High-Speed nbn Fixed Wireless

#TeamDecon have been actively involved in launching the final upgrades in a series for nbn Fixed Wireless internet at various locations across South Australia. These upgrades aim to bring faster...

Jan 30, 2024 Jesse Falk
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Prioritising Bushfire Resilience with Clean Energy Innovation

Prioritising Bushfire Resilience with Clean Energy Innovation

We’re incredibly privileged to have been part of the NSW Bushfire Mission Outcomes Showcase earlier this week, hosted by the Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer.  

Oct 20, 2023 Jesse Falk
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Empowering Education and Innovation in the Clean Energy Sector

Empowering Education and Innovation in the Clean Energy Sector

Earlier this week Decon had the pleasure of hosting a visit with a contingent of representatives from an esteemed and well-respected Victorian university to discuss collaborative opportunities in education and...

Sep 1, 2023 Jesse Falk
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Decon Presents Renewable Energy Solutions to Government Leaders

Decon Presents Renewable Energy Solutions to Government Leaders

Last month Decon were thrilled to welcome the Federal Minister for Communications, Michelle Rowland MP, and VIC Senator, Linda White, to our large manufacturing headquarters located in Melbourne's outer east.

Aug 28, 2023 Jesse Falk
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Decon's Smart power Cell presented to World Industry Leaders at Bushfire Management Conference

Decon's Smart power Cell presented to World Industry Leaders at Bushfire Management Conference

We are thrilled to announce that Decon had the privilege of presenting our cutting-edge Smart Power Cell at The Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer's Bushfire Management Conference. 

Aug 13, 2023 Jesse Falk
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Transforming Disaster Resilience: Smart Power Cells Enhancing Emergency Communication

Transforming Disaster Resilience: Smart Power Cells Enhancing Emergency Communication

This month, against the picturesque backdrop of twilight at our Melbourne Headquarters, we bid farewell to the final contingent of Smart Power Cells (SPCs) as they embarked on their journey...

Jun 28, 2023 Jesse Falk
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